
I’m glad you’ve visited this site. I sincerely hope that something that you find here helps your situation or uplifts you.  I love writing, but I am most driven by the thought that my articles might help someone who was in the same situation that I was. Because of that situation, I have spent a huge amount of time researching, talking with experts, interacting with other couples, attending counseling, and learning anything that I can about what saves marriages.  However, by no means am I an expert, counselor, or therapist (all of which I highly recommend) and I certainly can’t promise you any specific results, but I would settle for brightening your day a little. Please note that I don’t collect personally identifiable information. Anyone is free to take in whatever information is helpful and to leave the rest. Everyone’s situation is different. If you have any questions about this, there’s a more lengthy description in the terms of service.  Again, thank you for visiting.

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